Cancellation policy
Cancellation is approved within the first 6 hours of purchasing time. After 6 hours, your order will be automatically archived and sent to the warehouse for the process of stocking, packaging, and shipment. No one can cancel your order once it is being processed already. Please be informed that a management, processing and transaction fee (30% of your total order value) will be applied for the cancellation.
Full refund only applies to switching orders. Once you place new orders, our system will automatically cancel old orders and refund 100%. Please inform us via email when you have switching orders.
We would be so appreciated if you could please tell me the reason for cancellation. It will help us so much to improve our products and services.
How to change the information of my order?
If you realize you have made an error in shipping address or purchasing, simply e-mail us as soon as possible. We will support you to correct the information.
Please be noted that: we can only change your order information within 48 hours.
Please check the order confirmation email which is sent to you right after your order is placed to check all the information.
When do I get the tracking number?
All orders are handled and shipped out from our warehouse in Asia. Please allow extra time for your order to be processed during holidays and sale seasons.
The in-store process for the stock and packaging will take about 2-5 business days. Then, once your order is ready for the shipment, the tracking will be available and sent to you.
Please contact us if you do not receive tracking confirmation after 5 working days from the day you completed your payment.
If we are unable to process your order due to inaccurate or incomplete payment or incorrect address information, your order processing may be delayed.
How long can I get my item?
Due to factors that often affect international shipments, such as holidays, customs, and weather delays, we can only offer an estimate of shipping times. If any of the above scenarios occur with your package we promise to keep you well informed with as much information that is available to us.
Then the estimated delivery date is calculated with the formula below:
Estimated Delivery Date = Purchasing date + 2-5 business days (process for stocking) + Estimated shipping time (chart below)
You can receive your order on or before the Estimated Delivery Date.
For items that ship from our Asia warehouse, there's typically a delay in tracking information being updated from the time the package enters USPS facilities in China to the time it's processed at USPS facilities in the US. This usually takes between 2-7 days on average, although it can take as long as 8-12 days.
Shipping Guarantee
To back up our commitment and promise to you we will refund the cost of shipping (or give a partial refund if shipping was free) on any item that takes longer than the following time frames to arrive at your destination.
  • USA (Mainland): 40 days
  • USA (Other): 45 days
  • Canada: 40 days
  • Australia: 40 days
  • New Zealand: 40 days
  • UK: 45 days
  • Rest of World: 60 days
Risk fee shopping
If for whatever reason your goods don't arrive within 60 days, you will be refunded in FULL for that item. This is our promise to you! If there's a missing order, please let us know via customer support We'll investigate (it usually took 3-5 business days) and send you another one after we got a conclusion.
Customs and taxes
The prices displayed on our site are tax-free in US Dollars, which means you may be liable to pay for duties and taxes once you receive your order.
Import taxes, duties and related customs fees may be charged once your order arrives at its final destination, which are determined by your local customs office.
Payment of these charges and taxes are your responsibility and will not be covered by us. We are not responsible for delays caused by the customs department in your country. For further details of charges, please contact your local customs office.
Wrong address disclaimer
It is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure that she or he enters the address correctly. We cannot guarantee address changes due to strict shipping schedules. Please double-check the address you are entering, as we will NOT be held responsible for packages that are sent to the wrong address that the buyer has entered.
If the order arrives at your country and:

- The customer refuses to accept the package

- Number of attempts is made in the country of destination to deliver the package.

We reserve the right to abandon the package(s) and will not be responsible for any refund.